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“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life but by realizing who you are at the deepest level” Eckhart Tolle
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Thank you Lindsey x


Lindsey Elliott
Jun 8, 20231 min read
Breaking the illusion: the impersonal nature of feelings
What if it were true that our thoughts and feelings might not be as personal or significant as we believe them to be? In this video, I...
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Lindsey Elliott
Jun 7, 20231 min read
What if thoughts and feelings aren't personal, or meaningful about who we are?
What if it were true that our thoughts and feelings might not be as personal or significant as we believe them to be? In a brief and...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 25, 20231 min read
Beliefs aren't 'real'!
It's often our beliefs about ourselves, others and the world that cause us suffering. But belief aren't 'real'. They may feel very real...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 25, 20232 min read
People pleasing: Discover some surprising truths!
Many of us identify as a ‘people pleaser’ or struggle with saying no. We often believe that in order to be a ‘good person' we have to put...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 23, 20231 min read
Why Googling symptoms isn't helpful when you have health anxiety.
When we experience health anxiety, or find ourselves excessively concerned about our health, it tends to lead us down the path of...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 19, 20231 min read
Health anxiety and urgent feelings around symptoms
When you suffer with health anxiety or worry, symptoms in your body can feel very urgent and threatening. But what if the urgent feeling...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 19, 20231 min read
Endless worry about the future and why it won't help.
Endless worry about the future, or repeatedly worrying about the same thing, can seem like it might produce a solution in the end. But...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 17, 20231 min read
Debunking the myth: worry doesn't equal love or define who you are
"I am a worrier", or "I worry about 'X' all the time" is something I hear A LOT in my work as a coach. People are often somewhat...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 17, 20232 min read
Ask Me Anything: I dread becoming unwell and being unable to look after my kids
Susan has been grappling with persistent worries about her health for quite some time. However, these concerns have now escalated to a...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 11, 20231 min read
4-part teeny-tiny video series: Why we don't need to fear 'fear'
This is a concise four-part video series titled "Why We Don't Need to Fear 'Fear'. Each video in this series is only one minute long and...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 11, 20231 min read
Could it be that our own self-evaluation and ‘improvement’ is what's making us unhappy?
When we focus the spotlight of our attention on the question 'How am I doing?' out of dissatisfaction with ourselves, it inevitably leads...
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Lindsey Elliott
May 4, 20231 min read
One of the kindest things we can do for ourselves.
One of the kindest things we can do for ourselves is not to believe our own thinking. I know this might seem kinda crazy to suggest this....
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Lindsey Elliott
May 4, 20231 min read
Self-improvement, goals and insecurity.
When we tie our self-esteem to our achievements, actions, or goals, we're walking on fragile ground. We have to keep striving to meet...
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Lindsey Elliott
Apr 26, 20231 min read
Ask Me Anything: dealing with criticism from others
Carla finds it really difficult when she receives criticism from others, and finds she thinks about it over and over. She wishes she...
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Lindsey Elliott
Apr 24, 20231 min read
Part 2: Why all addiction works the same way
In part 2 of this video, I do a quick recap of part 1 about the cycle of addiction and how all addictions are the same in nature. Once...
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Lindsey Elliott
Apr 24, 20231 min read
What if our feelings & emotions are as impersonal as the weather?!
We innocently tend to give our feelings and emotions a lot of meaning. It's part of the job of a mind to apply meaning or a story about...
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Lindsey Elliott
Apr 20, 20231 min read
Are you harsh or critical of yourself or others? This question might help.
I offer a question to consider when you find yourself being critical or harsh with yourself or others. Really consider if this is true?...
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Lindsey Elliott
Apr 20, 20231 min read
All addiction works the same way- part one
If we believe that our addiction, or habit, is ‘worse’ than other people it can lead to us to feel isolated, separate and lonely…which...
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Lindsey Elliott
Apr 19, 20231 min read
Anxiety is brilliant feedback, but what for?!
Rather than a feeling to be feared, or pushed away or avoided, anxiety is a brilliant feedback mechanism of the body-mind. The feedback...
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Lindsey Elliott
Apr 19, 20231 min read
Ask Me Anything: annoyed and frustrated by my husband's behaviour.
Jodene wishes that she could stop thinking about her husband's behaviour and 'bad' habits. She sees that her mind is going crazy with...
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