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“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life but by realizing who you are at the deepest level” Eckhart Tolle
Welcome to my blog. Thank you for taking the time read, listen or watch here. To be notified of new posts please consider signing up to my mailing list (you'll receive a free gift of my 'Navigating Change' e-book!) or follow my social media channels.
Thank you Lindsey x


Lindsey Elliott
Mar 22, 20231 min read
Ask Me Anything: Anxious about going for a job promotion
Steve has sent in an 'Ask Me Anything' question. He has the opportunity to apply for a promotion at work, that he knows he is capable of,...
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 20, 20231 min read
Why our brains think anxiety and worry is useful
One of the things that helped me so much with my own experience of anxiety and worry, is understanding how the primary function of the...
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 20, 20231 min read
A tip to help you if you are feeling stressed about all you have to do
In this short video I give a quick tip for what to do if you are overwhelmed or stressed about all you have to get done, or your long...
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 14, 20231 min read
Anxiety isn't coming from your circumstances
One of the most useful things that has helped my own anxiety, and that of my clients, is understanding that anxiety isn't coming from the...
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 8, 20231 min read
One of the most powerful questions we can ask ourselves.
When we are having a hard time with something in our lives, are in conflict over something, or are stuck in a habit or addiction, we have...
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 8, 20231 min read
Anxiety and worry: 'What if?' thinking and why we can safely ignore it!
Like this video? Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel Please sign up to my mailing list to receive new videos as they are...
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 8, 20231 min read
A crazy statistic about the mind, and why this means we don't have to listen to our own thinking
Enjoyed this video?! Please subscribe to my YouTube channel thanks so much!
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 7, 20231 min read
Why feelings of low self-esteem, and insecurity looks like a problem to be fixed
When we feel insecure, or bad about ourselves, this can look like it's something that we need to sort out. We can innocently think that...
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 2, 20230 min read
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 2, 20230 min read
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 2, 20230 min read
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 2, 20231 min read
Dealing with expectations and disappointments
Having expectations and then feeling disappointed if they don't come to fruition seems part and parcel of being human. Sometimes we can...
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 1, 20231 min read
Ask Me Anything: struggling with low self-esteem
It seems pretty universal that we have some flavour of not-good-enough running through our minds, but what if we don't have to take this...
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Lindsey Elliott
Feb 8, 20231 min read
Ask Me Anything: How can it be true there is nothing 'wrong' with us or nothing to fix?
Sally has sent in a great question that is one something I share with all my clients. She asks: " I've heard lots of people say that...
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Lindsey Elliott
Feb 6, 20231 min read
Why anxiety and worry isn't keeping you safe
It's a common and innocent misunderstanding that worrying about things, or feeling anxious, is in someway keeping us and our loved ones...
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Lindsey Elliott
Jan 23, 20231 min read
Ask Me Anything: Anxiety about dying young and leaving my children
In this 'Ask Me Anything' question, Jane asks: "I have two young children and am terrified that I will die young and this would be such a...
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Lindsey Elliott
Jan 18, 20231 min read
Ask Me Anything: Being hypervigilant for anxiety (or any other emotion)
Sam sent in a great 'Ask Me Anything' question. She asks: "I read recently about being hypervigilant for certain emotions. I see that I...
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Lindsey Elliott
Jan 16, 20231 min read
Blue Monday/ January blues - what's that all about?!
Today is 'Blue Monday' and whilst on one level we all probably know that this a load of old nonsense made up by marketing companies, the...
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Lindsey Elliott
Jan 5, 20231 min read
Feeling responsible for other people's feelings or happiness
Thinking that we are responsible for how other people feel creates a lot of suffering, and worry in life. We end up saying yes when we...
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Lindsey Elliott
Jan 4, 20231 min read
A natural remedy for anxiety
When we struggle with feeling anxious this can lead us to feel lost, desperate to change how we feel, and to seek a remedy or cure for...
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