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“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life but by realizing who you are at the deepest level” Eckhart Tolle
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Thank you Lindsey x


Lindsey Elliott
Dec 3, 20202 min read
Sugar, beliefs and biology.
I came across this fascinating study recently, where they took two groups of people and gave them both a sugary drink with 15g of sugar...
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Lindsey Elliott
Mar 12, 20201 min read
Meditation for anxiety and worry.
Hello! I am offering this short guided meditation today to help with anxiety, worry and insecurity. Whether you are feeling anxious about...
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Lindsey Elliott
Dec 19, 20191 min read
Help with tricky relationships
I explore here what I have seen about conflict within relationships, that I hope will be useful for you - How we all live in different...
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Lindsey Elliott
Dec 11, 20191 min read
A different approach to weight loss, dieting and body image.
Here I am exploring looking in a different direction when we want to lose weight. If you have tried SO many times to lose weight, or to...
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Lindsey Elliott
Dec 5, 20191 min read
There is another way to end yo-yo dieting, and the weight loss/weight gain cycle.
Do you want to get off the yo-yo diet cycle, or see your emotional eating in a different way? Or maybe you are fed up with hating...
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Lindsey Elliott
Oct 25, 20195 min read
How thinking about the future is futile, and can trip us up.
We all do it. Find ourselves thinking about the future, imagining conversations we might have with people, or scenarios we may be faced...
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Lindsey Elliott
Oct 11, 20191 min read
All about emotions and feelings.
In this video I talk about emotions and feelings: where they really come from, and what to do (or not!) about them. Please feel free to...
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Lindsey Elliott
Oct 11, 20195 min read
Self-adhesive labels and the Manager in your head
I want you to imagine, if you will, a light bulb covered in hundreds of sticky notes. Written on the notes is variety of words such as:...
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Lindsey Elliott
Oct 3, 20191 min read
Rushing, busyness and overwhelm
In this video I discuss where our experience of feeling busy, rushed and overwhelmed with what we have to do really comes from. Please do...
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Lindsey Elliott
Sep 27, 20195 min read
What is real, and what is illusion? And how can this help us in our lives.
Over the many years that I have been exploring the spiritual side of life, one of the concepts that has, quite frankly, baffled me is the...
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Lindsey Elliott
Sep 26, 20191 min read
Mind guided meditation - connect to the universal life-force.
In this 35 minute meditation we relax the body and mind. I guide you to let go of the thinking mind and connect to the universal...
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Lindsey Elliott
Sep 23, 20191 min read
Heart meditation - returning back to peace.
In this this 35 minute meditation I guide you to a place of peace and love that is always within you We release stress and that which may...
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Lindsey Elliott
Sep 19, 20191 min read
Mind Meditation group - release stress and find clarity.
This 35 minute guided meditation looks at the 'river of thought' we all live in. Use it to centre back to yourself during a busy day, and...
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Lindsey Elliott
Sep 12, 20194 min read
Being human: understanding our emotions.
Like all of life, we humans are a paradox. We are both human (with a physical body, senses, thoughts, beliefs, emotions), as well as...
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